Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Spices And Flavors

More often than not I add some type of spice or flavoring to my meals. In general, I feel that my diminished sense of smell hinders my ability to fully taste foods, which is why I prefer really strong flavors that stand out. The spices and flavor enhancers that I add work to intensify the flavors of meals that otherwise might taste bland or even boring on their own. Hot sauces are used often, as are dressings, spices (such as curry), specialty sauces, and a host of Asian flavor enhancers (thanks to my roommate Harrison).

One of the most commonly used “spices” in my dishes, especially in burritos and on my eggs, is Tapatio hot sauce. My household is also a big fan of Sriracha, which seems to make an appearance at least once a day in some form or another. Aside from that we have a few flavors that we use from time to time: miso sauce, buffalo sauce, and various other herbs/spices, are among those used throughout the week.

The flavors that I have mentioned are housed in a variety of different locations throughout the kitchen. For instance, the Tapatio is found in a cabinet that also holds a bunch of spices and seasonings, whereas the miso sauce, buffalo sauce, and Sriracha are usually in the refrigerator. In fact, the fridge’s side door is usually overstocked with sauces, condiments, and flavor enhancers. For example, we currently have five different types of mustards, all of which are amazing.

Here are a couple shots of the spice/cooking cabinet, as well as a view of the various sauces and condiments that we house in the refrigerator:

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