Monday, November 15, 2010

Newman's Own Has Become My Own

One brand that seems to align with my values and tastes is Newman’s Own, which is a food company that I have found myself buying repeatedly since living on my own. I almost always have a carton of Newman’s Own Lemonade in my refrigerator, where their salad dressings have also found a permanent home. I find Newman’s Own products to be generally healthy, environmentally conscious (as many are labeled ‘organic’), and delicious.

In addition to producing high quality food products, Newman’s Own also donates all of its profits to charity. In fact, the company’s website is bannered with a line that reads “Over $300 Million Has Been Given To Thousands Of Charities Since 1982,” a fact that makes me much more likely to buy its products. So, while their products seem to align with my nutritional and environmental ideals, their economic practices also match up with my social values.

Lastly, their clever packaging, which regularly features founder Paul Newman in a different costume that is appropriate for the food in question, adds a nice touch to their marketing campaign. I find it enjoyable to see what new outfit Mr. Newman is wearing every time I discover a new, and tasty Newman’s Own product. Overall, I think that adding a bit of humor and creativity to a product’s advertising works to get me curious in the product and can even be enough to compel me to buy the product in question.

Please, watch this video that tells a bit about Newman's Own organic and fair trade coffee!

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